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- New REBIRTH HARLEY QUINN Skin EARLY! (Fortnite Season 6)
- 2021/04/15 14:05:32
New REBIRTH HARLEY QUINN Skin EARLY! (Fortnite Season 6)
New Batman Zero Point Harley Quinn skin in Fortnite Chapter 2, Season 6 gameplay live stream with Typical Gamer!
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Top comments ( target comments : 157 )
Kill spire( 5 )
- ・Kill spire gaurdian
- ・Kill spire gaurdian Kill spire gaurdian Kill spire gaurdian
Similar keywords
- ・spire
- ・Kill spire
multiple( 3 )
- ・Spire Quests for TG, You have to kill a wolf, a chicken and a boar and collect their special things once you kill them. And maybe multiple of each bc there is never just one wolf
Similar keywords
- ・multiple
Quests( 3 )
- ・Spire Quests for TG, You have to kill a wolf, a chicken and a boar and collect their special things once you kill them. And maybe multiple of each bc there is never just one wolf
Similar keywords
- ・Quests
a wolf( 3 )
- ・Spire Quests for TG, You have to kill a wolf, a chicken and a boar and collect their special things once you kill them. And maybe multiple of each bc there is never just one wolf
Similar keywords
- ・a wolf
a chicken( 3 )
- ・Spire Quests for TG, You have to kill a wolf, a chicken and a boar and collect their special things once you kill them. And maybe multiple of each bc there is never just one wolf
Similar keywords
- ・a chicken
a boar( 3 )
- ・Spire Quests for TG, You have to kill a wolf, a chicken and a boar and collect their special things once you kill them. And maybe multiple of each bc there is never just one wolf
Similar keywords
- ・a boar
their special things( 3 )
- ・Spire Quests for TG, You have to kill a wolf, a chicken and a boar and collect their special things once you kill them. And maybe multiple of each bc there is never just one wolf
Similar keywords
- ・their special things
each bc( 3 )
- ・Spire Quests for TG, You have to kill a wolf, a chicken and a boar and collect their special things once you kill them. And maybe multiple of each bc there is never just one wolf
Similar keywords
- ・each bc
ITS MY( 3 )
Similar keywords
typical gamer( 2 )
- ・typical gamer you're literally ending players careers with a faulty shockwave bow 😂😭
- ・@Typical Gamer bro so after you complete that challenge, you should do a challenge where you should kill 3 chickens, 1 boar and 1 wolf
Similar keywords
- ・@Typical Gamer
DO YOU( 2 )
Similar keywords
Kill( 2 )
- ・Kill spire gaurdian
Similar keywords
- ・Kill
4 dubs tg( 2 )
- ・4 dubs tg keep the work
Similar keywords
- ・4 dubs tg
the codes( 2 )
- ・would you be able to share the codes that you get with friends or will all the codes be different?
Similar keywords
- ・all the codes
live stream( 2 )
- ・can you say my name in live stream my name is blair
- ・you can play any game you want to do not let anybody tell you other wise thats what tg said to the live stream a while back and i still remember that love you TG 😀😀😀😀😀😀
Similar keywords
- ・the live stream
my name( 2 )
- ・can you say my name in live stream my name is blair
Similar keywords
- ・my name
Fortnite( 2 )
- ・Fortnite kid
Similar keywords
- ・Fortnite
dollars( 2 )
- ・no you had to kill him so I don't know dollars no nothing can we got that million dollars but you didn't kill so
Similar keywords
- ・that million dollars
GEEZ( 1 )
13( 1 )
- ・13
3 chickens( 1 )
- ・@Typical Gamer bro so after you complete that challenge, you should do a challenge where you should kill 3 chickens, 1 boar and 1 wolf
a challenge( 1 )
- ・@Typical Gamer bro so after you complete that challenge, you should do a challenge where you should kill 3 chickens, 1 boar and 1 wolf
1 boar( 1 )
- ・@Typical Gamer bro so after you complete that challenge, you should do a challenge where you should kill 3 chickens, 1 boar and 1 wolf
that challenge( 1 )
- ・@Typical Gamer bro so after you complete that challenge, you should do a challenge where you should kill 3 chickens, 1 boar and 1 wolf
😄😄( 1 )
- ・😄😄gg
Biggest( 1 )
- ・Biggest fan
your streams( 1 )
- ・i love your streams and you are the best
any building tips( 1 )
- ・any building tips to become a pro?
a while back( 1 )
- ・you can play any game you want to do not let anybody tell you other wise thats what tg said to the live stream a while back and i still remember that love you TG 😀😀😀😀😀😀
any game( 1 )
- ・you can play any game you want to do not let anybody tell you other wise thats what tg said to the live stream a while back and i still remember that love you TG 😀😀😀😀😀😀
a pro( 1 )
- ・any building tips to become a pro?
land( 1 )
- ・land in weeping god chest
friends( 1 )
- ・would you be able to share the codes that you get with friends or will all the codes be different?
other wise thats( 1 )
- ・you can play any game you want to do not let anybody tell you other wise thats what tg said to the live stream a while back and i still remember that love you TG 😀😀😀😀😀😀
Harley Quinn( 1 )
- ・Is that a new style for Harley Quinn or a different skin ?
a new style( 1 )
- ・Is that a new style for Harley Quinn or a different skin ?
a different skin( 1 )
- ・Is that a new style for Harley Quinn or a different skin ?
the uneven ground i( 1 )
- ・it didnt work cuz of the uneven ground i think
players careers( 1 )
- ・typical gamer you're literally ending players careers with a faulty shockwave bow 😂😭
the next maybe last part( 1 )
- ・When is the next maybe last part to “it takes two” pls I’m dying 😵 it’s so good
two” pls( 1 )
- ・When is the next maybe last part to “it takes two” pls I’m dying 😵 it’s so good
Subscribe( 1 )
- ・Make sure you hit that Subscribe button and turn on 🔔 notifications so that you don’t miss out on the more livestreams!
🔔( 1 )
- ・Make sure you hit that Subscribe button and turn on 🔔 notifications so that you don’t miss out on the more livestreams!
notifications( 1 )
- ・Make sure you hit that Subscribe button and turn on 🔔 notifications so that you don’t miss out on the more livestreams!
the more livestreams( 1 )
- ・Make sure you hit that Subscribe button and turn on 🔔 notifications so that you don’t miss out on the more livestreams!
button( 1 )
- ・Make sure you hit that Subscribe button and turn on 🔔 notifications so that you don’t miss out on the more livestreams!
Ahmadi( 1 )
- ・@Zamon Ahmadi hi
my god( 1 )
- ・Oh my god once shock
Yooo( 1 )
- ・Yooo
Hahaha( 1 )
- ・Hahaha
yougotthis( 1 )
- ・GG:yougotthis::goodvibes:
a roll( 1 )
- ・on a roll my huy sheesh
goodvibes( 1 )
- ・Hi:goodvibes:
late( 1 )
- ・Evrytime I join late it's when he wins
a shout( 1 )
- ・can I have a shout out
ghetto( 1 )
- ・:-ghetto
the new harlequin skin( 1 )
- ・is the new harlequin skin going to come with the old harlequin items
nice GG( 1 )
- ・nice GG
poor guy( 1 )
- ・poor guy was down bad
ez dub( 1 )
- ・ez dub
CHAT( 1 )
lamo( 1 )
- ・lamo
12:04( 1 )
- ・bye it is 12:04 in the morning
this match i( 1 )
- ・tg will get dub this match i m preety shoure
BRO YOU( 1 )
- ・BRO YOU ARE LITTERLY 1000000000000000000 PNG
Yessssirrr( 1 )
- ・Yessssirrr tg good dub
4dubs( 1 )
- ・4dubs in a row
Yeaaaaaaaaaa( 1 )
- ・Yeaaaaaaaaaa
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