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- New REBIRTH HARLEY QUINN Skin EARLY! (Fortnite Season 6)
- 2021/04/15 13:44:44
New REBIRTH HARLEY QUINN Skin EARLY! (Fortnite Season 6)
New Batman Zero Point Harley Quinn skin in Fortnite Chapter 2, Season 6 gameplay live stream with Typical Gamer!
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Use Fortnite Support a Creator code "TypicalGamer" in the item shop if you'd like to support me for free!
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Top comments ( target comments : 208 )
challenges( 10 )
- ・@Typical Gamer all you have to do now is 5 green or blue challenges and then you chilling until the next set of challenges.
- ・blue or green quests
- ・green or blue rarity quests
- ・uncommon as in green quests and rare as in blue quests you just need to complete 5 of the quests
Similar keywords
- ・challenges
- ・5 green or blue challenges
- ・blue
- ・green
- ・green quests
- ・blue quests
them( 7 )
- ・hey man i hve been watching your vids from a really long time and i relly love them, keep it up(could you say my namme once too)
- ・Hey tg my friends say I am a bot because I watch you and they want to 1v1 me and they say they will destroy me but I actually destroyed them when they were teaming up on me and they regret saying that
- ・hey man i hve been watching your vids from a really long time and i relly love them, keep it up(could you say my namme once too)hey man i hve been watching your vids from a really long time and
- ・Givin them jonnnns the elbow drop
Similar keywords
- ・them
a really long time( 6 )
- ・hey man i hve been watching your vids from a really long time and i relly love them, keep it up(could you say my namme once too)
- ・hey man i hve been watching your vids from a really long time and i relly love them, keep it up(could you say my namme once too)hey man i hve been watching your vids from a really long time and
Similar keywords
- ・a really long time
your vids( 6 )
- ・hey man i hve been watching your vids from a really long time and i relly love them, keep it up(could you say my namme once too)
- ・hey man i hve been watching your vids from a really long time and i relly love them, keep it up(could you say my namme once too)hey man i hve been watching your vids from a really long time and
Similar keywords
- ・your vids
what( 6 )
- ・What time is it for you now in amrica it 12 :43
- ・what's up
- ・what happend tg are you good
- ・What time is it in their here it’s 12 34
- ・what are you keybinds
- ・wow what an
Similar keywords
- ・what
- ・What time
hey man i( 6 )
- ・hey man i hve been watching your vids from a really long time and i relly love them, keep it up(could you say my namme once too)
- ・hey man i hve been watching your vids from a really long time and i relly love them, keep it up(could you say my namme once too)hey man i hve been watching your vids from a really long time and
Similar keywords
- ・hey man i hve
- ・hey man i
my namme( 5 )
- ・hey man i hve been watching your vids from a really long time and i relly love them, keep it up(could you say my namme once too)
- ・hey man i hve been watching your vids from a really long time and i relly love them, keep it up(could you say my namme once too)hey man i hve been watching your vids from a really long time and
Similar keywords
- ・my namme
i relly( 5 )
- ・hey man i hve been watching your vids from a really long time and i relly love them, keep it up(could you say my namme once too)
- ・hey man i hve been watching your vids from a really long time and i relly love them, keep it up(could you say my namme once too)hey man i hve been watching your vids from a really long time and
Similar keywords
- ・i relly
hey typical gamer( 5 )
- ・@Typical Gamer all you have to do now is 5 green or blue challenges and then you chilling until the next set of challenges.
- ・hey typical gamer love your streams and vids and samara's streans and vids too.
Similar keywords
- ・Typical Gamer
- ・hey typical gamer
they( 5 )
- ・Hey tg my friends say I am a bot because I watch you and they want to 1v1 me and they say they will destroy me but I actually destroyed them when they were teaming up on me and they regret saying that
Similar keywords
- ・they
that( 4 )
- ・If you’re enjoying the stream be sure to hit that like button! 👍
- ・Sheshhhh that was cold 🥶
- ・The *RANDOM* Locker Bundle Set Challenge. (Use A Creators Locker Bundle Set and Sign A Gun Rarity to that Locker Bundle Set... TG, Can You Make The Impossible, Possible?)
- ・Can you please tell me how do you get that skin would you get it like unreleased
Similar keywords
- ・that
- ・that Locker Bundle Set
- ・that skin
your streams( 4 )
- ・Hi tg me and my son watch your streams everyday keep up the good work
- ・hey typical gamer love your streams and vids and samara's streans and vids too.
Similar keywords
- ・your streams and vids
the pump( 4 )
- ・Hey tg when the charge shotgun wasn't vaulted did you use it more than the pump and is it better than the pump?
Similar keywords
- ・the pump
samara( 3 )
- ・hey typical gamer love your streams and vids and samara's streans and vids too.
Similar keywords
- ・samara
's streans and vids( 3 )
- ・hey typical gamer love your streams and vids and samara's streans and vids too.
Similar keywords
- ・'s streans and vids
the Rebirth Harley Quinn skin( 3 )
- ・When does the Rebirth Harley Quinn skin come out
- ・Harley quinn is coming back to item shop this summer
- ・if Harley quin came out thiw new new other harly quins or joker or mustly justice lead should come out
Similar keywords
- ・Harley quinn
- ・Harley quin
Sheesh( 3 )
- ・Sheesh
- ・sheeshhh
Similar keywords
- ・sheeshhh
- ・Sheesh
the next set( 3 )
- ・Next match
- ・@Typical Gamer all you have to do now is 5 green or blue challenges and then you chilling until the next set of challenges.
Similar keywords
- ・the next set
my sis( 2 )
- ・my sis was born two days ago no lie
Similar keywords
- ・my sis
two days( 2 )
- ・my sis was born two days ago no lie
Similar keywords
- ・two days
a Creator code "TypicalGamer( 2 )
- ・MERCH! ► https://typical.storeUse Fortnite Support a Creator code "TypicalGamer" in the item shop
Similar keywords
- ・a Creator code "TypicalGamer
► https://typical.storeUse Fortnite( 2 )
- ・MERCH! ► https://typical.storeUse Fortnite Support a Creator code "TypicalGamer" in the item shop
Similar keywords
- ・► https://typical.storeUse Fortnite
the charge shotgun( 2 )
- ・Hey tg when the charge shotgun wasn't vaulted did you use it more than the pump and is it better than the pump?
Similar keywords
- ・the charge shotgun
Hello( 2 )
- ・Hello
Similar keywords
- ・Hello
A Gun Rarity( 2 )
- ・The *RANDOM* Locker Bundle Set Challenge. (Use A Creators Locker Bundle Set and Sign A Gun Rarity to that Locker Bundle Set... TG, Can You Make The Impossible, Possible?)
- ・green or blue rarity quests
Similar keywords
- ・rarity
the spire( 2 )
- ・Go to the spire and you will see crystal and spray paint it
Similar keywords
- ・the spire
crystal and spray( 2 )
- ・Go to the spire and you will see crystal and spray paint it
Similar keywords
- ・crystal and spray
goated( 2 )
- ・goated
Similar keywords
- ・goated
Nice( 2 )
- ・nice edits
- ・Nice win
Similar keywords
- ・Nice
The Impossible( 2 )
- ・The *RANDOM* Locker Bundle Set Challenge. (Use A Creators Locker Bundle Set and Sign A Gun Rarity to that Locker Bundle Set... TG, Can You Make The Impossible, Possible?)
Similar keywords
- ・Possible
Similar keywords
Similar keywords
Massage( 1 )
- ・Massage YOUR NECK
normal Andrea( 1 )
- ・It’s normal Andrea. You’re just getting old so you’re gonna start hurting
your brother( 1 )
- ・Is Preston your brother
ur arm( 1 )
- ・rest ur arm for a week or so and stop gaming
a week( 1 )
- ・rest ur arm for a week or so and stop gaming
Preston( 1 )
- ・Is Preston your brother
mustly justice lead( 1 )
- ・if Harley quin came out thiw new new other harly quins or joker or mustly justice lead should come out
new new other harly quins or joker( 1 )
- ・if Harley quin came out thiw new new other harly quins or joker or mustly justice lead should come out
thiw( 1 )
- ・if Harley quin came out thiw new new other harly quins or joker or mustly justice lead should come out
here( 1 )
- ・What time is it in their here it’s 12 34
TypicalGamer guys( 1 )
- ・I bought the anime pack and hazard platoon pack and mayhem skin with your code TypicalGamer guys use code TypicalGamer
mayhem skin( 1 )
- ・I bought the anime pack and hazard platoon pack and mayhem skin with your code TypicalGamer guys use code TypicalGamer
the anime pack and hazard platoon pack( 1 )
- ・I bought the anime pack and hazard platoon pack and mayhem skin with your code TypicalGamer guys use code TypicalGamer
Ur mum( 1 )
- ・Ur mum
your code( 1 )
- ・I bought the anime pack and hazard platoon pack and mayhem skin with your code TypicalGamer guys use code TypicalGamer
Heyyyyy( 1 )
- ・Heyyyyy
virtualhug( 1 )
- ・:virtualhug::yt:
Tg pls( 1 )
- ・Tg pls notice me I watch every live stream
the books( 1 )
- ・when will fortnite release the books with dc??
trash( 1 )
- ・So trash
Abrego( 1 )
- ・My username is Jaime Abrego
:_typicalGoodgame( 1 )
- ・:_typicalGoodgame:
my friends( 1 )
- ・Hey tg my friends say I am a bot because I watch you and they want to 1v1 me and they say they will destroy me but I actually destroyed them when they were teaming up on me and they regret saying that
Hi Andre u( 1 )
- ・Hi Andre u are my favorite youtuber
My username( 1 )
- ・My username is Jaime Abrego
a bot( 1 )
- ・Hey tg my friends say I am a bot because I watch you and they want to 1v1 me and they say they will destroy me but I actually destroyed them when they were teaming up on me and they regret saying that
1v1( 1 )
- ・Hey tg my friends say I am a bot because I watch you and they want to 1v1 me and they say they will destroy me but I actually destroyed them when they were teaming up on me and they regret saying that
fans( 1 )
- ・Tg should do a creative game play 0-0 and a creative with fans 0-0
a creative game( 1 )
- ・Tg should do a creative game play 0-0 and a creative with fans 0-0
hiii plz( 1 )
- ・hiii plz read this
lobby( 1 )
- ・go to lobby then it will update
my Robles account( 1 )
- ・I just lost my Robles account and crying
item shop( 1 )
- ・Harley quinn is coming back to item shop this summer
this year( 1 )
- ・TG are you gonna play NBA 2k21 or Madden 21 this year?
ryft i( 1 )
- ・Will ur editing ever be as fast as ryft i think it’s already
Madden 21( 1 )
- ・TG are you gonna play NBA 2k21 or Madden 21 this year?
_typicalVictory( 1 )
- ・:_typicalVictory:
My name( 1 )
- ・My name is typical gamer boys
the skin( 1 )
- ・is that the skin or a style
bruh( 1 )
- ・bruh
NBA 2k21( 1 )
- ・TG are you gonna play NBA 2k21 or Madden 21 this year?
gold( 1 )
- ・you got gold raz
Will ur editing( 1 )
- ・Will ur editing ever be as fast as ryft i think it’s already
a new skin( 1 )
- ・is it a new skin or style
Olollpokk( 1 )
- ・Olollpokk
good night( 1 )
- ・good night 😴😴😴😴😴😴😴😴😴😴😴😴😴😴😴😴😴😴😴
Noob( 1 )
- ・Noob
Sheeesh( 1 )
- ・Sheeesh
eeatss( 1 )
- ・eeatss burt
hahaha( 1 )
- ・hahaha
a ps5( 1 )
- ・tg do you have a ps5?
youre stream( 1 )
- ・I'm watching youre stream while in the hospital
the quest( 1 )
- ・hey tg i know exactly how to do the quest fast and easy
ur video( 1 )
- ・hey TG I just finished watching ur video on TG PLAYS where can I buy the DC comics for the Harley Quinn skin 💯🤑💯🤑💯🤑💯🤑💯🤑
the DC comics( 1 )
- ・hey TG I just finished watching ur video on TG PLAYS where can I buy the DC comics for the Harley Quinn skin 💯🤑💯🤑💯🤑💯🤑💯🤑
- ・hey TG I just finished watching ur video on TG PLAYS where can I buy the DC comics for the Harley Quinn skin 💯🤑💯🤑💯🤑💯🤑💯🤑
damn( 1 )
- ・damn bro ggs
his quests( 1 )
- ・so go to raz and do his quests that he has
the dream smp whould( 1 )
- ・if you joined the dream smp whould you stream it
my son( 1 )
- ・Hi tg me and my son watch your streams everyday keep up the good work
more bots( 1 )
- ・i feel like you always get more bots then real players
A Creators Locker Bundle Set( 1 )
- ・The *RANDOM* Locker Bundle Set Challenge. (Use A Creators Locker Bundle Set and Sign A Gun Rarity to that Locker Bundle Set... TG, Can You Make The Impossible, Possible?)
Locker Bundle Set Challenge( 1 )
- ・The *RANDOM* Locker Bundle Set Challenge. (Use A Creators Locker Bundle Set and Sign A Gun Rarity to that Locker Bundle Set... TG, Can You Make The Impossible, Possible?)
The *( 1 )
- ・The *RANDOM* Locker Bundle Set Challenge. (Use A Creators Locker Bundle Set and Sign A Gun Rarity to that Locker Bundle Set... TG, Can You Make The Impossible, Possible?)
button( 1 )
- ・If you’re enjoying the stream be sure to hit that like button! 👍
the stream( 1 )
- ・If you’re enjoying the stream be sure to hit that like button! 👍
queen( 1 )
- ・Is hardly queen in the itomshop
Mane( 1 )
- ・Mane
spanish banks( 1 )
- ・you never been to spanish banks?
u plz( 1 )
- ・Can u plz show the item shop
hardly( 1 )
- ・Is hardly queen in the itomshop
sheeeesh( 1 )
- ・sheeeesh
NICH( 1 )
Peaches( 1 )
- ・Peaches
a Logitech G Pro X Superlight Wireless mouse( 1 )
- ・TG uses a Logitech G Pro X Superlight Wireless mouse.
- 2021/04/15 04:44:44の集計結果
- 2021/04/15 04:46:07の集計結果
- 2021/04/15 05:05:32の集計結果
- 2021/04/15 05:06:47の集計結果
- 2021/04/15 06:22:21の集計結果
- 2021/04/15 06:25:03の集計結果